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Scrap Factor Management to Improve Efficiency | RIS Blog

Written by Lauren Ihrke | Jul 19, 2024 5:00:00 AM

Efficiency is crucial in electronics manufacturing, and managing scrap factor is key. It impacts production cost, time and the environment. For these reasons, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) work hard to minimize scrap factor.

At RiverSide Integrated Solutions (RIS), we have 40 years of experience helping OEMs efficiently manufacture their assemblies. We specialize in lean electronic manufacturing, especially printed circuit board (PCB) assembly and surface mount technology (SMT).

Understanding Scrap Factor in PCB Assembly and SMT

Scrap factor in electronics manufacturing refers to the waste materials created during PCB assembly and SMT processes.

The manufacturing process creates scrap in various ways. One common source of scrap is incorrectly placed components. Machines make fewer mistakes than humans when placing parts, but errors can occur if the machine is not working correctly.

Mistakes during soldering or problems with the parts themselves can also produce waste. Given the precision required in PCB assembly, the potential for scrap generation is significant. Staying on top of scrap factor means managing every potential source of waste. Because of the complexity of these operations, some OEMs outsource to a contract manufacturer.

At RIS, we take on these complex operations for our customers. Not only do we do PCB assembly every day, but we also produce a wide variety of assemblies. This gives us the experience and perspective necessary to ensure efficiency for every project.

The Importance of Efficient Scrap Management

Efficient management of scrap is crucial in PCB assembly for several reasons:

  • Cost Reduction: Raw materials used in electronics, such as precious metals for components, are expensive. Reducing the amount of scrap produced here can lead to substantial cost savings.
  • Production Efficiency: Better front-end planning and material utilization help optimize production line speed and reduce downtime.
  • Quality Enhancement: By studying why scrap happens, companies can improve their processes, enhance quality and reduce waste.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Reducing scrap also decreases environmental factors, such as waste disposal and the extraction of raw materials.

Strategies to Reduce Scrap in PCB Assembly

  • Machine Calibration: Schedule regular calibration of equipment to keep them running at peak efficiency.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Regular maintenance of equipment ensures that machines operate at peak efficiency.
  • Design Practices: Design for Manufacturability (DFM) practices can identify potential production challenges before they happen.
  • Training Programs: Train operators to handle SMT and PCB assembly machinery properly.
  • Quality Control Systems: Invest in advanced inspection technology, such as Automated Optical Inspection and Cobots.

All these strategies are important, but they can be overwhelming for OEMs that don’t specialize in manufacturing. Some might outsource operations to a trusted partner to reap the benefits listed above.

At RIS, we have the expertise and resources to bring these benefits to our customers. We work hard not only to meet but exceed our customers’ expectations in all areas of efficiency.

Leveraging Technology for Scrap Reduction

Using new technology and software helps us better understand production processes and find problems that cause waste. Manufacturers can use technology to monitor and adjust processes in real-time. This helps optimize material usage and reduce waste.

Still, many OEMs can’t afford to invest in every new technology. Instead, they often choose to partner with a contract manufacturer. The partnership saves them considerable time and money in the long run.

Since RIS serves many customers, we can spread out the cost of new equipment among all our accounts. This allows us to invest in new technology faster and pass on the benefits to all our customers.

Major Takeaways

Managing scrap factor in the electronics manufacturing industry is about more than just reducing waste. It’s about enhancing productivity, cutting costs and advancing sustainability. Manufacturers can stay ahead by using smart strategies to minimize waste and adopting new technology.

However, implementing the necessary changes to reduce scrap factor can be expensive upfront. OEMs can save money by outsourcing to a contract manufacturer instead of investing in changes.

Are you looking to partner with a contract manufacturer to reduce your scrap factor? RIS can provide the necessary support to keep your production lines lean and cost-effective!


About RiverSide Integrated Solutions:

RIS is an advanced contract manufacturer providing robust solutions in circuit board assembly and product assembly. We employ more than 350 people and provide services to OEMs worldwide. We operate two state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities within the US.

With all of the choices in contract manufacturers out there, we know it can be challenging to find someone who understands your business model and has your best intentions in mind. RIS has always proven to be a win-win-focused relationship.

As your one-stop shop, we have the capabilities, capacity, quality assurance standards and resources to support all of your manufacturing needs. We understand that supply chain management is complex and very time-consuming, so we urge our customers to utilize us in the fullest capacity.

Our total-package solutions include:

Contact us today at (507) 523-3220 to see how we can help with your manufacturing project, or click contact us for a quote.