Our Corporate Social Responsibility
At RiverSide Integrated Solutions, we know that the role we play as a community member is critical and that we have a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to give back to our communities and the environment in which we operate. We demonstrate this in the following ways: Employee Wellness, Community Involvement, Volunteer & Philanthropy, Ethical Labor Practices and Resource Conservation & Renewable Energy.
Employee Wellness:
Our Employee Wellness program creates, facilitates and implements wellness events for all RiverSide employees to create a healthy work environment. RiverSide Integrated Solutions’ wellness vision statement is:
RiverSide Integrated Solutions’ Wellness Committee provides all co-workers and their families with education & activities to support positive attitudes, improved well-being and personal growth. We achieve this by utilizing the 7 Aspects of Wellness, leadership investment, open communication and continuous commitment.
RiverSide Integrated Solutions’ Employee Wellness program strives to create programs and events in all 7 aspects of wellness: physical, social, occupational, intellectual, spiritual, environmental and emotional. We utilize the seven aspects of wellness in various wellness programs such as step contests, photography contests, monthly social outings, educational presentations and luncheons. We also network with local community members to deliver health and wellness presentations by welcoming local dieticians, financial experts and university students & professors to speak on topics related to financial wellness, smoking cessation, maintaining a healthy weight and the top 10 items to have in every kitchen, to name a few.
Community Involvement:
RiverSide Integrated Solutions’ Wellness program encourages community involvement for employees’ improved well-being and personal growth.
Fools Five Road Race

RiverSide Integrated Solutions donates to and employees participate in the Fools Five Road Race on the first Sunday in April each year.
Winona Area Chamber of Commerence

RiverSide Integrated Solutions is a proud Winona Area Chamber of Commerce member.
The Storm Trail Race Series

RiverSide Integrated Solutions is a proud supporter of Storm Sporting Events, including their long-running The Storm Trail Race Series, through participation in their events and donations.
Volunteer & Philanthropy:
RiverSide Integrated Solutions supports and encourages employees to engage with many charitable organizations through our Volunteer & Philanthropy Committee. In addition, we provide paid Volunteer Time Off for our staff to volunteer their time at an organization of their choosing during their work hours and also have a Corporate Giving match program to help support organizations that our employees are involved with and have a passion for.
Winona Volunteer Services

RiverSide Integrated Solutions contributes by encouraging employee donations of nonperishable food and money through various events throughout the year.
Winona ORC

RiverSide Integrated Solutions participates in fundraising events associated with this organization.
Habitat for Humanity: Winona County

RiverSide Integrated Solutions participates in volunteer events associated with this organization throughout the year
Merchants Bank: 10 Days of Giving

RiverSide Integrated Solutions contributes by encouraging employee donations of nonperishable food and money during this event annually.
Winona Community Warming Center

RiverSide Integrated Solutions contributes by encouraging employee donations through various events throughout the year.
Winona Area Humane Society

RiverSide Integrated Solutions contributes by encouraging employee donations of pet supplies and money through various events throughout the year.
MN Adopt a Highway Program

RiverSide Integrated Solutions has an adopted section of highway that is kept clean by employee volunteers.
Ethical Labor Practices:
Child labor is prohibited per our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy on Resource Conservation and Renewable Energy:
RiverSide Integrated Solutions recognizes that its duty as a good corporate citizen requires conservative and responsible use of our natural resources as well as ethical disposal of our wastes. In respect of this duty, RiverSide Integrated Solutions will strive to:
- Source energy from renewable resources where economically viable
- Reduce demand for natural resources year over year
- Reuse materials where a net carbon reduction can be achieved
- Recycle all materials for which there is a viable market
- Dispose of wastes in a manner that complies with federal, state, and local laws and ordinances